Monday, January 16, 2012

Accidents happen

We played soccer through the hallway of our house and down to the living room.  He was going so hard at it that  he slipped and cracked his head on a stool.  Paper towels to stop the bleeding, a popsicle for the soothing, and an ice pack for an hour...and all is well.  He wants to go at it again.

Monday, November 28, 2011

2011 Columbus Turkey Trot 5 Miler

We competed in the Turkey Trot this past Thursday.  I had been training a bit for this one, increasing my runs and speed over the past month or so.  It sure did pay off.  I ended up finishing in at 45:02, 9:00 min/mile pace.  My goal was under 45 minutes, but I will take this time considering I stopped once to tie my shoe and we had to dodge the strollers, dogs, and walkers for most of the first mile or so of the race.

I can't express how important it was to have her by my side the entire race, encouraging me and pushing me ever so slightly.  This was the first race she ran with me completely, and it sure made a difference.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Just run.

I started my running journey in high school when I decided to join the High School cross country team in order to get in shape for basketball.  For someone that had probably never ran more than 2-3 miles, the average 3-7 mile practice runs were an accomplishment in itself.  That freshman year taught a lot about myself...that I wasn't a quitter.

When I was 17 I joined the United States Marine Corps...and started running to try to get in shape for boot camp.  I knew we had to do a timed 1.5 mile run and a 3 mile run at the end but that the Marine Corps favorite run is the 3 mile run.  So I prepared a few months before boot camp.  Of course what I had been doing was nothing close to the boot camp I had to endure.  My running base did help.

When I was in Iraq in 2005-06, I decided to start running more.  I had felt the most lonely I ever had in my entire life and decided that running would hopefully help relieve some of the stress.  In February 2006, I signed up for a 10K in Iraq and finished it in 56 minutes.  When I got home that year I signed up for my first half marathon, the USAF Half Marathon in September 2006.  In 2008 I completed the Columbus Marathon.  Since then I have completed a quarter marathon, another half marathon, several 5K's and other shorter runs.  I am now signed up for the Glass City Half in April 2012, Capital City Half in May 2012 and soon will be registering for the 2012 USAF Marathon.

Running has gotten me past many obstacles in life and has continued to be a stress relief and a motivational activity.  I will continue to just run.

How time flies

This is my first post since 2004 when I had a blogspot known as "99accordchic".  It is incredible to see how much can change and how many life experiences one can encounter in a mere 7 years.  I mean, 7 years seems like a lot to most...but how much will I change in the next 10, 20, 30...if I am lucky enough to experience this crazy world a little longer.

I was posting about a day in the life of a 19 year old who was busy with school and getting ready for a deployment to Iraq.  After reading some of the posts I had written, it is crazy to think that someone that young was going to war.  I saw the old me, the mature yet naive me.  I'd like to think I've grown into something bigger and better and that I am and will continue to pursue my dreams.  And it is nice to know that since then, I have found an incredible woman and an brilliant blue-eyed boy to experience the ride with.